The Nashik district administration has prepared a Rs 2,623.78 crore district-level annual credit plan for agriculture, small scale industry (SSI) and other priority sectors for fiscal 2007-08, with a 24 per cent rise compared to that of last year. |
This district credit plan, which is the single largest District Credit Plan in the country includes Rs 1,640.11 crore for the agriculture sector (with 76 per cent rise as compared to last year), Rs 201.04 crore for SSI/NFS (up 9 per cent), Rs 303.59 crore for other priority sector (up 15 per cent) and Rs 479.04 crore for non-priority sector (up 19 per cent). The district credit plan is to be monitored by 30 nationalised banks. |
"The Annual Credit Plan 2007-08 envisages a disbursement of Rs 2,623.78 crore, of which Rs 2,144.74 crore have been provided under the priority sector allocation. Of the total Priority Sector allocation, Rs 1,640.11 crore have been allocated to agriculture and allied activities, Rs 201.04 crore to non-farm sector including SSI and Rs 303.59 crore for other priority sector. The Credit Plan provides Rs 63 per cent of the total outlay for agriculture, as this is the major activity of the district and has a very good potential for further development," said Choklingam, Collector, Nashik. |
The district credit plan will be monitored by 30 banks. The Bank of Maharashtra will contribute the largest credit of Rs 288.08 crore and State Bank of India will contribute Rs. 136.88 crore. |