This is to give a boost to the tree based oilseeds (TBO) which have a utility as an alternative source of energy in addition to fossil fuel.
Besides the overall policy objective will be to ensure remunerative prices for collection, promotion and marketing of these non conventional oilseeds over and above the seven oilseeds currently covered Minimum Support Price Scheme.
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To this effect, the procurement policy is proposed to be extended to tree borne oilseeds. TRIFED (Tribal Cooperative Marketing Development Federation of India Ltd ) under the ministry of Tribal Affairs will be involved as a procurement agency for tree based oilseeds. A lump sum grant of Rs 50 lakh per annum will be provided to TRIFED for promotion of TBO seeds.
Tree borne oilseeds are Jatropha, Karanaj and Simarouba fruit and kernel which are useful to develop alternative and complementary source of energy.
Besides, a comprehensive contingency plan has been worked out to ward off the impact of the aberrant weather conditions on the food grain production which has gained additional importance after the Food Security Bill and also to minimise imports.
This time an innovative scheme has been worked out called crop and fodder seed banks at village level to ensure seed supply of in adverse conditions of crops fixed as per the contingency plan. The bank assumes tremendous important for augmenting fodder supply in dry lands during drought conditions.
Similarly, to protect interest of cultivators in oil palm, subsidy will be provided for setting up of oil palm mill in north east other hilly states. The subsidy will be at the rate of 50% cost of the plant and equipments up to a ceiling of Rs 2.5 crore per unit of 5 metric tonne per hour processing capacity The subsidy will be provided to state government agencies, cooperative sector, government recognised farmer associations. Further subsidy will be provided for creation of additional capacity for crushing of fresh fruit bunches (FFBs) of palm.
Currently, oil palm, since perishable in nature, hence the commodity is not covered under MSP. However is covered under market intervention programme at the specific request of the states.
Another measure for this season will be opening up of outlets for procurement of oilseeds by nodal agency National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation of India (NAFED). This will be for seven oilseeds covered under MSP programme like groundnut, soyabean, sunflower, sesame, niger, rapeseed and mustard and safflower.