The pilot run for the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI), headed by Nandan Nilekani, could cover nearly 60-70 per cent of citizens in Karnataka within a period of one year post commencement. Karnataka would be the first state to come under the UID project that seeks to issue a unique ID number for each citizen.
At present, the Karnataka government is waiting for guidelines from the UIDAI, after which the planning on issuance of the number would commence.
“After we get the guidelines from UIDAI, we will know when we can start and which places we can cover in the first phase,” said M N Vidyashankar, principal secretary, department of e-governance, government of Karnataka.
The department will appoint a joint commissioner for dissemination of information on the UID project.
The UID is a complex and ambitious project with UIDAI as the regulatory authority. It will manage a central ID Data Repository (CIDR) which will issue UID numbers, update resident information and authenticate the identity of the residents as required.
Boosted by the success of its e-governance projects like Bhoomi and Kaveri, the Karnataka state government is looking at an investment line-up of Rs 400-450 crore till March 2010, which is double of its e-governance spend last year.
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