The bold move by the government of scrapping Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 currency notes has managed to create panic among the people. ATMs went dry on the announcement day and remained closed for the next two days.
However, the government announced that banks would remain open on Saturday and Sunday for public to exchange their old notes. There is a form available using which an individual can get his or her old currency exchanged.
However, the government announced that banks would remain open on Saturday and Sunday for public to exchange their old notes. There is a form available using which an individual can get his or her old currency exchanged.
Here is all you need to know about this form.
It is a very simple, ease to fill form. Following are the steps.
Fill in your name, and tick the identity proof you are carrying. you need to carry the original identity card adn show it at the counter whiel exchanging.
Allowed identity proofs include Aadhaar Card, Driving License, Voter ID Card, Pass Port, NREGA Card, PAN Card, Identity Card Issued by Government Department, Public Sector Unit to its Staff.
Fill in the Identification Number mentioned on the proof you are submitting.
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Fill in the number of currency notes you are willing to exchange next to the denomination, write the grand total, below.
Remember, you cannot get more than Rs 4,000 exchanged at a time till 24th November.
Put you signature below and get your money from the cashier in Rs 100 currency.
This is what the form looks like:
Currency exchange form