The Tamil Nadu government has taken a preservation of bio-diversity and afforestation programme, at an estimated cost of Rs 686 crore, along with Japanese International Co-operation and Assistance.
In his inaugural address at the 18th National Children’s Science Congress, organised at Vels University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister
M Karunanidhi said the Centre and Tamil Nadu have brought many schemes to use the land for prosperity and leave it to future generation in good condition.
The government of Tamil Nadu is engaged in the conservation, development and management of the agricultural land and water resources of the state, he said.
The total geographical area of the state is 13 million hectares. While cultivated land forms 57.7 per cent of geographical area, the cultivable wasteland about 2.80 per cent of the total area.
There are various types of land classified on the basis of land use such as, forest, uncultivable land, land put to non-agricultural uses, cultivable waste. Various Schemes are being implemented by the Government of Tamil Nadu to conserve the land for posterity, said the Chief Minister.
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He said, Tamil Nadu Preservation of Bio-Diversity and Afforestation Programme has been taken up at an estimated cost of Rs 686 crore, along with the Japanese International Co-operation and Assistance is one such effort in that direction.
The company also introduced many programmes such as soil conservation in the tribal areas, Hill Area
Development programme, Western Ghats Development Programme, Soil and Water conservation in the catchments for River Valley Project, precision farming, Tamil Nadu Watershed Development Agency, National Watershed Development programme for Rainfed areas and many more, said the chief minister.