The Economic Times Low inflation kicks up dustThe bond market buzz: Rise in commodity indices understated.Corporate bond trading will hit the road soonOn the cards - Operationalisation of a trading platform.Government plans tariff-based bids for Kolkata, Chennai airportsTariffs will be indexed to global benchmarks in a bid to make the process transparent.The Hindu Business LineHigh global crude prices lift ONGC net 9% Turnover tops Rs 50,000 crore; subsidy pay-out zooms to Rs 11,958 crore.Loan santioning powers: Small PSU banks cry foul'Segregation plan will turn away clients to bigger banks'Trade Unions may soften stand on EPFO's market-related investment plans'The alternative could be to invest in semi-government organisations'.The Financial ExpressPetrol, diesel price hike in JuneLPG and kerosene to be spared.ONGC plans Rs 75,000 crore investment Plans to scale its refining capacity to 45.5 mtpa by 2009-10.47 airline bilaterals remain unused Dearth of flights, unviable locations cited as reasons.Daily News & Analysis - Money50% of fund managers fail to beat Sensex A third of diversified funds under-perform chosen benchmarks.Nine oil hunt companies band together ONGC lone holdout, says it cannot share its drilling rigs.After fear, markets may see greedLast week's correction was good, but investors should not forget caution.