In a three page letter, Kumar said that despite the fact that the central team, which visited the affected districts in Bihar, had concurred with the state government on the number of people affected, the Centre refused to allocate enough funds for relief work.
"Each of the flood-affected families was given Rs 200 in cash and one quintal of grain as relief," he said. "The Centre had accepted Rs 200 per family for the 45.56 lakh flood-affected families as admissible, but had not provided any money towards the Rs 714.91 crore spent on foodgrains given to these families," he added. "This is against the norms laid down by the government of India itself according to which assistance admissible was Rs 1030.41 crores," he said.
The money spent on providing polythene sheets for shelter to those on the embankments or the money spent on evacuating the affected population was also not taken into account, he alleged. Taking a dig at the union ministers from Bihar for maintaining silence over the denial of relief package for the flood-affected people, Kumar said "people of the state will never tolerate them.