Power minister Suresh Prabhu said today that foreign investors are not shying away from the power sector due to the Dabhol problem. The government is taking steps, which included permission for direct sale to the third party, to attract IPPs in the power sector. The new Electricity Bill would have enabling provisions in this regard, he said.
Remarking that foreign investors are showing renewed interest in the power sector, the minister said that it is evident from their response to the five international conferences the ministry proposes to hold in the coming months.
All the events have a partner country, and various countries including France, Austria, Canada, the UK, Belgium and the US have confirmed their participation.
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Sweden, France, Canada, Norway, Spain and Austria have shown specific interest in the hydro sector, he said.
On the proposal of the Dabhol Power Company's takeover by other companies, he said, "it is for Enron and the interested parties to decide".
The power ministry is reviewing the preparedness of the states to meet the additional generation target of one lakh mw by 2012. In the second stage, if it was found that they were lacking in the preparedness, the Centre would ask them to allow direct sale from IPPs to attain the target, he added.
Prabhu said, it is in the states' interest to allow direct sale of power by private companies and suggested that areas could be demarcated by the states for the IPPs to sell power.