On the heels of the nuclear disaster in Japan following a devastating earthquake, state-run Nuclear Power Corporation India Ltd (NPCIL) would augment steps like emergency operating procedures, improvise training and human resource management and strengthen safety applications at the existing 20 nuclear plants, as well as those being planned in various parts of the country.
As a first step, NPCIL has constituted task forces and committees of experts to suggest ways for augmenting and strengthening safety. “We are closely watching developments in Japan and after it is stabilised, we will hold thorough discussions to bring in necessary changes in the existing operating and emergency operating procedures. Safety is of utmost priority and there will not be any shortcuts,” NPCIL Chairman and Managing Director S K Jain told Business Standard.
NPC Associate Director Shashikant Dharne said Indian nuclear plants are at less seismic zones. But in view of the Japan disaster, NPCIL would relook design and other features so that plants can withstand such calamities of higher magnitude.