Odisha is gearing up to host the grand 'Make in India' conference scheduled to be held in Bhubaneswar on December 1-2. The state government on Friday discussed the modalities of the event with Atul Chaturvedi, joint secretary of the Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion.
Representatives of industry bodies such as the Confederation of Indian Industries and Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry also made presentations on the occasion.
It was decided that the conference would contain more of the G2B (government-to-business) and B2B (business-to-business) activities in focus sectors of Odisha. The state government has identified five focus sectors. These include ancillary & downstream industries in metal & aluminum, petroleum, chemicals & petrochemicals including plastics, IT/ITes hardware & ESDM (electronics system design and manufacturing), agro & sea food processing and apparel & technological textiles.
Odisha Chief Secretary Aditya Padhi has called for preparation of a list of potential investors in these focus sectors and invite them to the conference.