Newly appointed Chief Justice of India (CJI), Justice S H Kapadia, has said the only asset he possesses is integrity and hopes to fulfil the Constitutional obligations to achieve the goal of "inclusive growth."
"I come from a poor family. I started my career as a class IV employee and the only asset I possess is integrity", Justice Kapadia said in a letter written to former Supreme Court judge V R Krishna Iyer on May 3.
Justice Kapadia, successor to Justice K G Balakrishnan who demits office today, said, "Even as a judge of the Supreme Court, I have used my knowledge of accounts and economics for the welfare of the downtrodden including tribals and workmen..."
"... I hope to fulfil my obligation to the Constitution in the matter of achieving the goal of inclusive growth", he said in his letter, replying to a congratulatory message from Justice Iyer following his new appointment as CJI.
Replying to Justice Kapadia's letter on May 10, Justice Iyer said, "The letter fills me with hope that we are on the verge of an era of Constitutional justice. India is a poor country and poverty jurisprudence and social justice must receive high priority."