The Orissa government has completed the process of hearing for the Malda iron ore mines, available for issue of prospecting license over an area of about 350 hectares, in Sundergarh district. The hearing for this block of iron ore started in October 2008.
The state steel and mines department is processing the applications to determine the most eligible applicant before seeking the approval of the government to make the recommendations to the Union mines ministry.
There were about 57 applicants for prospecting licence (PL) or mining lease (ML) for this block which is a part of Malda manganese mines under the Koida mining circle.
A number of steel companies, which have signed MoU with the state government to set up projects in the state, such as Visa Steel, Dinabandhu Steel and Power, Sree Balajee Industries, Maheswari Ispat, MSP Sponge Iron Private Ltd, Jindal Stainless, Chandan Minerals, BRG Iron and Steel Steels, Jindal Steel and Power Limited (JSPL), Maithan Ispat, Arati Steel and Action Ispat and Power are in race for the prospecting license (PL) of this iron ore block.
“We are processing the applications after completion of the hearing process for Malda iron ore reserves and the most eligible claimant will be decided in next couple of days”, Ashok Dalwai, secretary, steel and mines department, Orissa government told Business Standard.
Sources said, the state government has decided to give PL for prospecting of about 700 hectares of iron bearing area at Malda in Sundergarh district. Earlier, this block was a part of Malda manganese mines and held by the Tata Iron and Steel Company (Tisco).
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While a part of this manganese mines is held by the company, another portion was relinquished by it. Though the area held by Tata Steel has been partly prospected, the adjacent area has not been prospected yet. The state government feels that there are some reserves of iron ore in this area. So it has decided to give it for prospecting.
The state government intends to provide raw material linkage to the industries fulfilling the conditions stipulated in the MoU like attaining the financial closure. So the process to decide the most meritorious claimant to this iron ore block is about to be completed, sources added.