The Orissa government has appointed 16 chartered accountants to detect cases of alleged violations of Rule 37 of Mineral Concession Rules- 1960. These chartered accountants will conduct preliminary verification of balance sheet, audited accounts, tax audit report, IT and VAT (Value Added Tax) returns as well as related documents of the mines.
Initially, the Director of Mines will send three chartered accountants to the Joda circle and three accountants to the Koira circle. Each chartered accountant will visit two mines in the circle.
The chartered accountants will carry out the work assigned to them in a team with an officer of the mining department. The mining officer will be from a mining circle other than in which the mine is located.
Meanwhile, state minister for industries and steel & mines Raghunath Mohanty said that the state level enforcement squad has raided eight mines in the state to detect cases of violation of Rule 37 of Mineral Concession Rules- 1960. He declined to name the miners.
Earlier, the state government had constituted a six-member committee to carry out an investigative study of the financial transaction of the lessees and the raising contractors.
This committee was to submit its report to the government by August 25.
The committee headed by P C Patra, deputy director of mines-Bhubaneswar is studying audited balance sheets as well as profit & loss accounts along with all the schedules of the lessee, mining contractor, power of attorney holder or any other person or agency involved in formal or informal arrangements with the lessee regarding mining or sharing of profits.