Oxford University, which is on an overdrive to woo students from India, today announced plans to set up a research centre on Indian business.Chris Patten, chancellor of Oxford University, said: "Indian businesses are growing rapidly, and we feel that India will be one of the strong players in the 21st century. We are constantly looking at ways to increase the presence of Indians in Oxford, and this centre in collaboration with Indian industries is a step in that effort."He added that they haven't yet worked out the cost for setting up the centre, but it is estimated to be around 10 million pounds. In addition to the proposed centre, Oxford is also setting up a department for Indian history and culture and Centre for South Asian Studies.Speaking on steps Oxford is taking to increase the intake of Indian students, Patten said: "There are around 200 students from India while there are around 500 plus from China. There is severe competition from global institutions to attract bright students, and I feel that we are not doing enough like the Ivy League universities are doing."