Nepalese Prime Minister Pushpa Kumar Dahal, popularly known as Prachanda, today arrived at Tehri in Uttarakhand to revive the development of the Pancheshwar dam. The 6000 Mw reservoir is to be built jointly by India and Nepal.
Soon after his arrival, the Nepalese PM went to the 2400 Mw Tehri dam site to see different aspects of India's highest hydel power project.
The Rs 30,000 cr Pancheshwar dam is proposed on the river Mahakali on Uttarakhand-Nepal border.
The proposed dam has a lot of similarities with Tehri dam which created a big rehabilitation problem and uprooted over one lakh people.
"The main purpose for his visit is to study closely the rehabilitation issues," a top government official said. The building of Pancheshwar dam is hanging in fire since last decade because of Maoist violence in Nepal.