With Haryana Chief Minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda earlier indicating review of the Haryana industrial policy, industrialists in Panchkula eagerly await the review that might help in changing the facade of industry in the state.
Unlike their counterparts in Chandigarh and Mohali who are not visibly appeased by their industrial policy, industrialists here are hoping that the much-awaited review might be able tomeet some of their grievances.
Panchkula industrial area houses around 800 industrial units that are into manufacturing of building materials like furniture and decorated laminates, sanitary ware manufacturers, pharmaceutical units and also the ancillary units catering to the tractor industry. Witnessing shortage in demand of the tractor industry, a few ancillary units in the region have now diversified to cater to other auto and allied industry.
Chairman, Haryana Chamber of Commerce and Industry Satish Gupta maintained the focus needed to be on fostering the growth of industries. “The fast changing environment demands for better adaptability among business houses and the government should take measures that allow the industrial units to change the nature of profession as per demand of the market,” he said. Gupta added the government should see that there is minimum interference in allowing industries to meet the fast changing demands in global scenario.
Member of Haryana Chamber of Commerce and Industry Rajnish Garg, said too many checks imposed on the industries should be done away with. He added that the controlling and regulations should be bared.
He added another factor that has affected the growth of industries in Panchkula region is the infrastructure. The poor conditions of road and erratic power supply continue to haunt the existing industries in Panchkula. He added that Haryana State Industrial and Infrastructure Development Authority (HSIIDC) had failed to address the infrastructure problem and needs to focus on that.
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C B Goel former President Haryana State Chamber of Commerce and industry maintained that with thrust on rural infrastructure it has led to dearth of labour for the industry.
The government needs not only to address the labour shortage problem but also look at means of providing skilled labour dot the industry. He added that this could possibly be done with help of opening technical institutions in state that could address the requirement of skilled manpower for the industry.