The task force on micro-irrigation, headed by Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu, has recommended a Rs 10,500-crore programme to cover about 3 million hectares under the hi-tech irrigation system during the Tenth Plan. The report of the committee was handed over by Naidu to Agriculture Minister Rajnath Singh here today. |
The setting up of this task force was announced by Finance Minister Jaswant Singh in the 2003-04 Budget. It was asked to suggest strategies for increasing the area under micro-irrigation systems, like drip and sprinkler irrigation, to save on water. |
The panel held nationwide consultations and obtained suggestions from experts, state governments and the public before finalising the recommendations. |
The task force has pointed out that micro-irrigation technology does not only help save water but also improves the quality of the produce, boosting its marketability. |
According to the task force's estimate, about 69 million hectares will ultimately have to be brought under micro-irrigation in a phased manner by 2030. This will include 27 million hectares under drip irrigation and 42 million hectares under sprinkler irrigation. |
Of this, nearly 3 million hectares will have to be covered during the Tenth Plan and an additional 14 million hectares during the Eleventh Plan. |