The Budget was likely to peg Plan expenditure for next financial year at Rs 5.51 lakh crore, compared with Rs 5.21 lakh crore estimated for the current year, officials said. The Planning Commission had wanted a rise of up to 15 per cent, but the finance ministry’s concerns over fiscal consolidation could have prevailed over the development needs of the economy as flagged off by the commission.
Plan expenditure is the government spending on the government’s major programmes such as the Mahatma Gandhi Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme, National Rural Health Mission, Bharat Nirman, etc. It also includes the Centre’s assistance to various states’ and Union Territories’ Plans.
Analysts say the move is surprising, as the forthcoming Budget would be the last full-fledged one of the United Progressive Alliance government in its second term. However, the government is likely to make up for the low increase in Plan expenditure by creating space for its ambitious National Food Security programme in the run-up to the 2014 general polls.
It should be noted that revised estimates of 2012-13 might see a cut of up to 20 per cent in Plan expenditure from Budget estimates. If that happens, the final figure would come down to Rs 4.17 lakh crore.
So, compared with revised estimates, the 2013-14 Plan expenditure might still see a jump of almost 32 per cent.
The whole exercise would make it difficult for the government to meet its projections of Rs 35.69-lakh-crore Plan expenditure in the 12th Plan (2012-13 to 2016-17).