The Planning Commission has approved Rs 1,860 crore as annual plan outlay for Tripura during the current financial year (2010-2011), official sources said today.
After discussion with Chief Minister Manik Sarkar, it was indicated by Deputy Chairman of the Planning Commission Montek Singh Ahluwalia that the annual plan (2010-2011) for the state would be Rs 1,860 crore, sources said.
However, Ahluwalia hinted that a mid-term review may be held after three months to see if the size could be stepped up further, sources added.
Sarkar was accompanied by Finance Minister Badal Chowdhury, Chief Secretary Sudhir Sharma and senior officers of the state.
The Chief Minister also requested that Tripura being an under developed state, all the districts should be provided funds under Backward Region Grant Fund (BRGF). Failing this at least one district should be brought under its coverage in the current financial year.
As the state has a long international border, the allocation under border area development should be increased, Sarkar said.
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The Chief Minister highlighted that Tripura was one of the leading states in implementation of the Forest Dwellers Act and requested the Planning Commission to provide additional assistance so that the recipients of pattas may take up ecologically sustainable economic activities.
Sources said, the response of the Deputy Chairman was positive.