The BJP has filed a complaint with the Election Commission against Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and others following an advertisement issued by the ministry of minority affairs, alleging that "the advertisement is an attempt to woo voters of a particular community and violation of model code of conduct".The ministry of minority affairs has published a half-page advertisement in one of the national newspapers in Gujarat, two days ahead of the first phase polls in the state to be held on December 11, titled, "Prime Minister's new 15-point programme for the welfare of minorities"."The advertisement is explicitly directed at minorities and specifies names of religions like Muslims, Christians and others,' BJP spokesperson Prakash Javadekar said."The content of the advertisement and the timing of its release are aimed at using religion to woo a section of voters. It attempts to achieve polarisation on the basis of religion and it is a surrogate political advertisement calculated to give political advantage to the Congress party," the BJP has said in its complaint.Apart from the Prime Minister, the BJP has demanded that action should be taken against minister of minority affairs A R Antullay.The advertisement says, "The centre offers free coaching to students and candidates belonging to minority communities in approved coaching institutes."