Emphasising his government's commitment to the welfare of women and children, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh today underlined the need for improving the sex ratio in the country.
"We have strived for reducing inequalities in the country. In the last seven years, we have taken special care of the needs of our brothers and sisters from the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, minorities, women and children," Singh said in his Independence Day address.
He noted the problems faced by women and children and the efforts needed to solve them.
"The figures of Census 2011 show improvements in most areas. But it is a matter of deep regret for us that the sex ratio has shown a decline from the level of the last Census," Singh said.
He insisted that for improving this state of affairs, it is not only necessary to implement the existing laws effectively but also essential to change the approach with which our society views girls and women.
"I would especially appeal to the state governments and social service organisations to take steps for empowerment of women and for improving their status in society," Singh said.
He also spoke about the problem of malnutrition.
"Malnutrition in our women and children is a matter of concern for all of us. We have taken a number of steps to tackle this problem, including two new schemes. We have also decided that we will start implementing an improved Integrated Child Development Services scheme within the next six months so that the problem of malnutrition in children can be effectively addressed," Singh said.
He maintained that his government will soon enact a legislation for providing food security to the people.