A city court today asked Delhi police to file a report on a complaint against industrialist and Rajya Sabha MP Rahul Bajaj over his group's partner company Allianz portraying Jammu and Kashmir and Arunachal Pradesh as part of Pakistan and China respectively on its website.
"Status report be filed in court on October 14," Metropolitan Magistrate Geetanjali Goel said in a direction to the station house officer of the Parliament Street police station.
The court then posted the matter for further hearing.
Sanjay Sachdeva, a member of Delhi Pradesh National Panthers Party, and others have sought prosecution of Bajaj under charges of sedition on the ground that disfigurement of Indian map was an "anti-national" act.
Responding to the allegations, Bajaj had earlier told PTI that it was the portal of Bajaj's insurance venture partner, Allianz, that had carried the alleged map with the discrepancy.
"I have nothing to do with the case as it was Allianz which had put the map on its website. They have, in fact, corrected the discrepancy as soon as it was pointed out about a month back," Bajaj had said.