Power producers witnessed a generation loss of 5.3 billion units in the April-October period due to coal supply shortfalls, Parliament was informed today.
"During April-October, 2011, electricity generation increased by 8.6%. However, the power utilities reported a generation loss of 5.3 billion units during the same period due to inadequate availability of coal," Minister of State for Power KC Venugopal said in the Rajya Sabha today, even as the government formulates a plan to augment fuel supply to thermal stations.
Coal-based power generation in the country registered a growth of 7.7% during the same period last year.
He said the government is taking various steps to solve the problem.
"The Ministry of Coal is being insisted upon to enhance production of domestic coal in the country," Venugopal said.
Power utilities are being advised to import coal to bridge the shortfall between the requirement of the dry fuel and the availability from domestic sources, he said.
The coal position is reviewed at various levels in the Ministry of Coal, Ministry of Power and Cabinet Secretariat with participation from the concerned ministries, CEA, Coal India and NTPC, he informed the Upper House.
He further added that in order to mitigate the shortfall in power output in the country, the government is working for accelerated generation capacity addition and rigorous monitoring of capacity addition under ongoing generation projects.
Augmentation of the domestic manufacturing capacity for power equipment is also underway.
The government is also conducting coordinated operation and maintenance of hydro, thermal and nuclear and gas-based power stations to optimally utilise the existing generation capacity, he added.