Puducherry Chief Minister V Vaithilingam along with his five ministerial colleagues would meet Prime Minister Manmohan Singh this week to seek Central help in meeting the shortfall of Rs 1,000 crore for implementation of various welfare schemes.
"We need immediately Rs 1,000 crores to meet the expenditure for various welfare schemes," Vaithilingam told reporters here today.
Vaithilingam, who holds the Finance portfolio, said they would meet the Prime Minister, the Union Finance and Home ministers on Wednesday and submit detailed reports on the present 'critical' financial situation in the Union Territory.
He said though an earlier assessment had put the requirement at Rs 354 crore, a 'deep and extensive' analaysis by officials had projected a shortfall of Rs 1,000 crores.
He said a 'massive' amount was needed for building houses in the tsunami hit villages like Kalapet.
The allocation of Rs 130 crores made for the project was insufficient.
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Vaithilingam said he had urged the Central Power Ministry to earmark an additional 70 mw power to Puducherry to meet the present demand. Against the requirement of 270 mw, only 180 Mw was presently available.
The Chief Minister said there would be a major shuffling of officials at all levels very soon as no such exercise had been undertaken after the May 2006 elections.
Replying to a question, he claimed opinion of public in the union territory was against prohibition and so it was 'not relevant and not acceptable' in Puducherry.