In a speech at the AICC session, heir-apparent Rahul Gandhi today said the Congress should be relevant to a broad range of young Indians and become "meritocratic", while emphasising that progress should be linked to performance and accountability. |
Earlier, as Rahul rose to make his debut speech, there was no doubt what the House thought of him. Senior congressmen were running to the podium, shouting "Rahul bhai" though the young man could have been their son. Not a single delegate could be spotted outside the hall when Gandhi began his 10-minute speech and there was near total silence, punctuated only by wild applause after every two or three sentences. |
"In my eyes, there is only one difference that exists among Indians - the difference in opportunities. I believe that rich people who never have opportunities in life are poor." This brought forth thunderous applause. |
Sonia Gandhi heard, rivetted by the speech, as her son said, "the poor and the farmers work day and night, but get nothing in return. Many people think that upliftment of the poor is generosity. I disagree with them." |
Possibly for the first time in the Congress' history, Rahul Gandhi proposed a new system of reward in the party, a 'meritocracy' that sought to link progress of workers in the organisation with their performance. |
At the Hyderabad plenary session last year, Gandhi gave his debut speech on the party platform. He asked party workers for time to prepare himself for future responsibilities. Today while thanking the leaders for making him a general secretary of the party, a cautious Gandhi didn't forget to praise the Prime Minister as well. "I thank the Prime Minister. I get inspiration from his guidance." |
The 37-year-old leader said wherever he went in his recent tours, he was asked two questions by the youth and members of the NSUI and Youth Congress. The non-party youth wanted to know how they could join politics and serve the country, while the party youth asked him "how do we progress in our organisation"."These two questions touch at the heart of what needs to be changed," he said. |
Answering the questions himself, Rahul said, "If we are to truly become an organisation that represents the youth of our country, if we are to develop leaders of whom this nation can be proud, we need to do two things". |
"The first is to build an organisation that is open and relevant to a broad range of Indians who believe in our values and seek to serve the nation". |
"The second is to build a meritocratic organisation. Young people bring tremendous passion and energy into our organisation. We must see to it that they are accountable. It is our duty to ensure that their progress is linked to their performance." |
When he finished speaking, delegates clapped and began moving out of the hall for snacks. The main event was over. |