ess Trust of India / New Delhi February 26, 2007India Inc today hailed the Railway Bugdet as promising and said measures, especially those on containers and freight services, will not only help the industry but benefit the general public as well.CII welcomed the freight rate cuts on petrol, diesel and iron ore saying it would have an overall positive impact on the economy.R Seshasayee, president, CII, said the Railway Minister has laid increased emphasis on introduction of technology by way of high speed, high capacity wagons in the Railway Budget 2007. Welcoming the host of initiatives introduced by the Railway Minister, Seshasayee said: "The budget truly heralds a modern approach to managing the largest public service through use of technology and innovation. The announcement of the policy allowing wagon manufacturers to roll out wagons with their own designs within the parameters of the RSDO will encourage R&D in the field of railways."The feasibility study for high-speed passenger trains being initiated by the Railway Ministry is a welcome step. It will encourage the industry to bring in the best in class technology prevalent globally. Further the industry is upbeat about the possibility of designing and manufacturing high capacity, heavy axle load wagons with their own designs."The extension of the electrification network across the golden quadrilateral and all diagonals will improve the efficiency of the railways. The announcement regarding introduction of double decker freight train from Pipavav to Jaipur, tailor made wagons for cement will bring relief to the oil and cement industry. "Modernisation of the track turnout system to increase the speed of trains, the use of handheld computers by TTEs, ATMs to vend tickets and a call centre are all initiatives directed at making life better for the common man. The handheld computers with the TTEs will enable the passengers to plan their forward journeys and obtaining their reservations while traveling."The forward looking Railway Budget 2007 presented by the Railway Minister will create a win-win situation for all