Rajasthan saw a spurt of foreign companies lining up for solar projects. US firm Rising Sun Energy quoted Rs 4.35 per unit for two projects with a total capacity of 140 Mw. France’s Solairedirect has quoted the same tariff for same capacity projects. Among the domestic ones, Rattan India, through its subsidiary Yarrow Infrastructure, won 70 Mw by quoting Rs 4.36 per unit.
Fortum’s quoted tariff is the lowest bid received in solar power projects so far. The last lowest bid was Rs 4.63 a unit by Japan’s SoftBank through its joint venture in India, SBG Cleantech, for 350 Mw in Andhra Pradesh.
Bidders will be allocated projects on the basis of most competitive VGF quotes. The Maharashtra tender received bids from 14 developers for total capacity of less than 1.8 gigawatt (Gw) in contrast to NTPC’s recent 500-Mw tender in Andhra Pradesh, which received bids aggregating 5.5 Gw from 30 bidders. The reason for the subdued demand was because the change was made at the last moment.
The last bidding for the 500-Mw solar power park in Andhra Pradesh witnessed the lowest bid of Rs 4.63 a unit by US solar firm SunEdison.