Delhi Police has sought more details, including the expected gathering and names of VVIPs attending, from Team Anna to give permission for its Ramlila Maidan agitation from December 27 for a strong Lok Pal.
Team Anna received a letter from Station House Officer of Kamla Market, under whose jurisdiction Ramlila Maidan falls, yesterday seeking clarifications on eight points saying they have not given the information in the application they filed with Deputy Commissioner of Police (Central) Vivek Kishore on November 28.
"It is intimated that you have not clarified the following points," Pramod Joshi, the SHO of Kamla Market, said in his letter.
Police has asked Team Anna to provide the schedule and nature of the programme on day-to-day basis besides expected gathering on the function at Ramlila Ground from December 27, 2011 to January 5, 2012.
It also asked for the name and numbers of VVIP/VIP attending the programme, details of volunteers, time of speech and by whom and sitting plan.
Police has also sought "the names of persons who will sit on the dais and number of vehicle which will be parked inside and outside Ramlila Maidan".
Hazare had earlier threatened to go on an indefinite fast in Ramlila Maidan from December 27 if a strong Lok Pal Bill is not passed and warned that he will campaign against Congress in the five poll-bound states.
Team Anna had approached Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD, which owns the ground having a capacity of around 30,000, which told the group that they would be able to give it for ten days as there were prior applications.
If he sits on fast at Ramlila, it will be his fourth fast on the issue this year and second in the same ground.