The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has launched the latest round of Consumer Confidence Survey (CCS) for March. RBI has been conducting CCS on a quarterly basis since June 2010.
The survey aims at capturing subjective assessments of around 5,400 respondents across 6 metropolitan cities. The results of this survey are being used by RBI as one of the important inputs for monetary policy formulation. The survey seeks responses on questions pertaining to economic conditions, household circumstances, income & spending, perceptions on prices, employment prospects, outlays for major purchases such as gold, car, house, durable goods etc.
The agency M/s Sigma Research & Consulting has been engaged to conduct the field work of the survey on behalf of RBI. For this purpose, the respondents will be approached by the agency and the selected respondents are requested to provide the required information. Other individuals who are not approached by the agency can also participate in this survey round, said RBI.