The Supreme Court on Monday directed the central government to disburse Rs 1,503 crore lying with the Reserve Bank of India to the gas victims of the 1984 Bhopal holocaust. |
The amount came more than a decade ago from the Union Carbide Corporation (UCC) of the US, owners of the factory, which emitted the deadly gas killing 3,000 persons, according to official figures. |
Ever since, the death figures have gone up to 15,000 and there are 5 lakh claims for injuries. |
The amount will be disbursed by the welfare commissioner on a pro rata basis to all of the claimants, whether their claims have been settled or are pending. |
The report is to be filed to the court within two months showing how the fund will be disbursed and who are the beneficiaries. |
Though the controversial settlement between the central government and the UCC was for $470 million, the amount held in dollars by the RBI, has ballooned to Rs 1,503 crore with interest. Still, it would not meet all claims. |
The official death figure was 3,000 and the estimated compensation for them was Rs 70 crore. Now there are 15,000 deaths adjudicated by the panel set up to decide the compensation. The government has given only Rs 86 crore on this account. |
According to the Supreme Court order in 1992 regarding damages, compensation for death should be between Rs 1 lakh and Rs 3 lakh. At that rate, the present amount would not be able to meet the claims, according to Indira Jaisingh, counsel for the victims. |
Moreover, there are 5 lakh claims for injuries suffered due to the gas leak. They have to be classified as permanent total disablement, temporary disablement and other categories as in the Workmen's Compensation Act. |
This will also raise the demand phenomenally. Jaisingh pointed out to the Bench headed by Justice Shivaraj Patil that the present amount would not be sufficient to meet the demand of all the victims. |
The court then allowed her to file an application in that regard so that the issue could be taken up at the next hearing. |