The Himachal Pradesh planning board has adopted a resolution moved by Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh, proposing a Rs 1,800- crore annual plan size for the next year(2006-07). |
This is also the terminal year for the tenth five-year plan.The decision was taken by the planning board in Dharamsala, late Friday, soon after the end of the four-day winter-session, which took place for the first time outside Shimla, in the fifty-year-old history of the Himachal Legislative Assembly. |
Singh said the proposed plan would include a 44 per cent outlay for social services, 16 per cent for transport and communications, and 13 per cent for agriculture and allied services. |
"Special economic zones (SEZs) will be created in the Kangra, Una, Hamirpur and Chamba districts, to ensure economic development of the state at all levels," the chief minister added. |
"Investment worth Rs 15,000 crore investment is expected in these special economic zones, while income to the state will be to the tune of Rs 500 crore," Singh said. |
He said the state government was making all efforts to achieve the targeted growth rate of 8.9 per cent by the end of the current five-year plan. He added that a 7 per cent growth rate was being anticipated in the mid-term appraisal, keeping in mind the decadal growth rates, which were constantly declining. |
He said per capita income in Himachal stood at Rs 27,000 for 2004-05. |
This was considerably higher than the all-India average of Rs 23,308. |
The contribution of the tertiary sector was 40 per cent, while the secondary sector had contributed 33 per cent, with the primary sector contributing the rest, Singh added. |
The annual per capita power consumption in Himachal stood at 456 Kw hours. |