Scrapped notes valued Rs10 lakh were found in the possession of popular Telugu actor and TDP legislator N. Balakrishna's wife Vasundhara Devi at Renigunta Airport near Tirupati.
The cash was found when she was checking out along with five family members after landing from Hyderabad on Saturday.
The airport security officials and later income tax officials questioned her about the huge cash, all in demonetised notes of Rs 1,000 and Rs 500, sources said.
Vasundhara showed IT documents to the officials and told them that she brought the money for offering it to Lord Venkateswara temple. She said they were going to drop the money in the temple 'hundi'.
The officials allowed her and other family members to proceed to the temple.
Balakrishna is a leader of ruling Telugu Desam Party (TDP). He is the member of Andhra Pradesh state legislative assembly from Hindupur.
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The actor is brother-in-law of Chief Minister and TDP president N. Chandrababu Naidu. Balakrishna's daughter is also married to Naidu's son Lokesh.