Stepping up its attack on Narendra Modi as his fast entered the second day, the Congress today said the “sham and drama” have resulted in wastage of Rs 100 crore and also spoiled the ‘Sadbhavna’ within the National Democratic Alliance (NDA). “Modi’s current sham and drama have led to wastage of money to the tune of Rs 100 crore of the hardworking Gujaratis. Moreover, it has also spoiled the internal bonhomie within BJP (Bharatiya Janata Party) and sadbhavana within NDA,” AICC general secretary in-charge of Gujarat, Mohan Prakash, told PTI.
Referring to the statement of Sharad Yadav on the issue, which gave the impression that Janata Dal (United) was distancing
itself from Modi’s fast, Prakash said, “Yadav is not only the president of JD (U) but also the NDA convenor. If the convenor of NDA is giving such a statement, it means the alliance has begun cracking.”
“This very act of Modi has not only disturbed a chemistry within BJP but also within NDA,” he said.
Yesterday, Yadav had dismissed the publicity surrounding the fast.
“Seventy to 80 per cent of people make a living at Rs20 a day. 80 per cent people fast daily. The majroity of people of the country fast regularly whether they do it for half day or full day. Nobody talks about them but fasts by individuals are discussed,” Yadav had said.
JD(U) leader and Bihar chief minister Nitish Kumar had made sure that Modi did was not part of the election campaign in his state.
Congress had said yesterday that Kumar did not allow Modi to come to Bihar during elections and was even ready to break from the alliance on the issue.