The Himachal Pradesh government has cleared a proposal for setting up two industrial units which are likely to bring in investments worth Rs 215 crore. The Rs 196 crore unit of Indian Tecnomac company will manufacture aluminum granules and quick lime which is likely to generate 624 jobs.
The Rs 19 crore project of Panacea Biotech would expand its operations in the state and would open 52 jobs vacancies, a spokesman for the state government said.
A decision to recruit 800 police constables has also been granted by the state government, a move seen by observers as an election sop for the forthcoming election.
The Cabinet also approved the report of the Benami commission of the direct revenue and home departments to initiate further legal action in the illegal land purchase cases mentioned in the report.
It also allowed to relocate the 30 Megawatts (Mw) Malana-111 hydro-electric project in Kullu district along with the decision to raise the capacity of 9 Mw Beas Kund hydro electric project to 12 Mw by forming a separate unit to generate 3 Mw additional power.
Again, the stamp duty and registration fee structure has been simplified. Approval has been granted to the draft state tax on entry of goods and local area rules.