In what looked like a swift response by Sunni insurgents loyal to Saddam, a car bomb killed 30 people in Kufa near the Shi'ite holy city of Najaf - the sort of sectarian attack that has pitched Iraq toward civil war since US troops broke Saddam's iron grip in 2003, according to a report by Reuters.In another development, a car bomb exploded in a parking lot at Madrid's international airport on Saturday after an anonymous telephone warning, Spanish police said.The Spanish state radio reported that a separate caller claiming to be a member of Basque guerrilla band ETA said the group had planted the bomb, which, if confirmed, would mean the end of a ceasefire declared in March.The report added that the Barajas Airport's Terminal Four was evacuated after a warning was telephoned to motorway rescue services.Police said they did not know if anyone had been hurt in the blast, but state radio said two police officers who were looking for the suspect vehicle were slightly injured.