The bench also imposed a cost of Rs 50,000 on JD(U) MLA C Madhuswami, Rama Reddy of the CPI and others who had appealed against the High Court judgement of May 3, 2005. The High Court had given a green signal to the project aimed at promoting an integrated infrastructure corridor between the two cities consisting of residential, industrial and commercial facilities covering 20,139 acre of land.
"We are extremely happy with the Supreme Court verdict. With this judgement, the hands of the Chief Minister of Karnataka would be further strengthened to help and expedite the completion of the Bangalore-Mysore Infrastructure Corridor Project and to bring prosperity and economic upliftment of the people of Karnataka," a NICE spokesperson said.
The present state government, even before the SC verdict, was supporting BMICP along with other infrastructure projects. "We will now focus on completing the project expeditiously as a public private partnership along with the government of Karnataka," Chief Minister Kumaraswamy said.