In order to improve transparency, stock market regulator Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) on Thursday asked depositories to post all regulatory orders and arbitration awards on their website.
Sebi said the move has come after it has received feedback from investor associations regarding improving transparency in disclosing regulatory and arbitration awards issued by depositories.
As per the Sebi circular, Depositories will have to post all regulatory orders like those against listed companies, depository participants, trading or clearing members and arbitration awards on their websites immediately if they are issued after Thursday.
The two depositories - National Securities Depository Ltd (NSDL) and Central Depository Services Ltd (CDSL), will have to post all their regulatory orders and arbitration awards issued since April 1, 2007, on their websites within 30 days.
Earlier in April, Sebi asked the stock exchanges to post regulatory orders and arbitration awards on their websites.