The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) have passed three orders dating June 16, 2006, suspending the certificate of registration of three stock brokers for some irregularities found in the their books during the inspection carried in 2002.According to a release issued by Sebi yesterday, the said three brokers are Limra Securities registered with the National Stock Exchange. M Tibrewal and Deepak Jhunjhunwala registered with the Calcutta Stock Exchange.Limra has been suspended from carrying any business for 15 days, period July 7, 2006 to July 21, 2006. Similarly, Tibrewal has also been suspended for 15 days from July 7, 2006 to July 21, 2006. Deepak Jhunjhunwala has been suspended for two months from July 7, 2006 to September 6, 2006.