Securities market best regulated: FM -VideoOur Bureau / Mumbai April 11, 2007CLICK HERE FOR VIDEOFinance Minister P Chidambaram, while addressing the 32nd annual conference of the International Organisation of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) organised by Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) in Mumbai today, said the Indian securities market is among the best regulated in the world."The Indian securities market has many firsts to its credit. It gave birth to the first demutualised stock exchange in the world. All stock exchanges in India, today, are corporatised and demutualised. The Indian securities market was the first to use satellite-based communication technology for securities transactions. It was the first major market to implement the T+2 rolling settlement. The growing number of market participants, the growth in volumes in securities transactions, the reduction in transaction costs, the significant improvements in efficiency, transparency and safety, and the level of compliance with international standards have earned for the Indian securities market a new respect among the securities markets in the world," Chidambaram said, according to a release issued by the Press Information Bureau.Speaking on global capital flows of capital, the finance minister said that no securities market is an island. "Thanks to global flows of capital, the working of the capital market in a country