Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi today said he shall respond to the SIT probing the 2002 Gujarat riots "fully respecting" the law, as he refuted reports that he had skipped appearance before the panel on Sunday.
"SIT had not fixed March 21, 2010 for my appearance. To say that I was summoned on March 21 is completely false. I shall respond to the SIT fully respecting the law and keeping in view the dignity of a body appointed by the Supreme Court," he said in an open letter. Modi's letter came following reports that he had boycotted the SIT summons. He said, "Truth cannot be suppressed. It is now my duty to place before you the facts that brings out the importance of understanding what the truth really is."
Elaborating his stand, he said, "After the 2002 Godhra incidents, I had categorically said in the Vidhan Sabha and in public that no one is above the Indian Constitution and the law, even if he happens to be the chief minister of a state. These are not mere words. My actions have reflected this statement in its true spirit. I assure you that this would be my stand in the future."