The Tamil Nadu government has come up with an eco-tourism policy, which is expected to play an effective role not only in conserving ecology but also in prescribing standards for hotels and other stakeholders to follow, according to the state government.
The new policy would encourage Public-Private Partnership to mobilise investment in infrastructure development on various tourist sites. It also lays down penal measures for violation of rules, has set an agenda to make the state a world-renowned destination specialising in sustainable tourism through focused efforts on creating synergy among all stakeholders.
The policy also proposes to take steps to prevent the use of plastic and other non-biodegradable products around water bodies, parks, zoos and reserves. The policy will provide strategic direction to engage local communities, tourists, forest officials, government departments and other stakeholders in promoting effective eco tourism activities in the state, according to the state government.
It also envisages guaranteeing livelihood opportunities to people living close to eco tourism zones besides ensuring safety of tourists.
Activities and facilities will be developed in consultation with the communities. Mechanisms will be in place to ensure flow of benefits to the communities. Land and property rights of indigenous and local communities will be respected. Any transgression into the communities’ cultural sovereignty - their protected, sensitive and sacred sites and their traditional knowledge - shall be avoided.
The Tourism Department will act as the nodal agency for clearing various projects prepared by the line departments and their funding.
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Priority will be given to development of places, closer to existing popular destinations and lesser-known eco-tourist spots so that infrastructure development will be kept at bare minimum. Suitable eco-tourism destinations will be identified and tied up with the existing circuits.
A nine-member official committee, headed by Chief Secretary, will be formed to monitor the implementation and coordinate various stakeholder agencies, according to the state government note.