# Separation of offices of chairman and chief executive officer
# Panel to evaluate and recommend independent directors and non-executive and executive directors
# Specify number of companies in which an individual may become a director
# Fix attributes for independent directors & provision for a detailed Certificate of Independence
# Fix tenure for independent directors
# Remuneration committee to determine, recommend and monitor principles, criteria and the basis of a company’s remuneration policy
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# Board to affirm and disclose in its report to members about critical risk management policy for the company
# Evaluation of performance of board of directors, committees thereof and of individual directors
# Board to place systems to ensure compliance with laws
# New responsibilities for audit committee in respect of related party transactions, disclosure of related party transactions to be part of company board‘s report
# Audit committee to examine eligibility, independence of the auditor
#Certificate of independence should certify that the auditor together with its consulting and specialised services affiliates, subsidiaries and associated companies or network or group entities has not/have not undertaken any prohibited non-audit assignments for the company and are independent vis-à-vis the client company
# Rotation of audit partners and firms
# Clarity on information to be sought by auditor and/or provided by the company to him/it
# Appointment of internal auditor
# Profit-related commission with the prior approval of members by a special resolution
# Specific outer limits within which the companies shall pay remuneration to their directors/ managerial personnel
# In case of inadequacy of profits, the payment should be subject to compliance with the regulations or guidelines to be framed by government
# Two per cent of a company’s average net profits during the three immediately preceding financial years shall be spent on Corporate Social Responsibility activities
# Separate disclosures required to be made in annual report by way of CSR statement
# No company shall appoint or re-appoint an individual or a firm as auditor for more than five consecutive years
# New committee to prepare list of audit firms for companies to choose from
# The remuneration of the auditor to be fixed on the basis of the net worth and turnover
# Committee for selection of independent directors
# Every listed public company to have one-third independent directors on board
# Independent directors should not have any kind of pecuniary relationship with the company