In a move aimed at winning over farmers before the Lok Sabha polls, Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee has cleared a proposal for fixing the statutory minimum price (SMP) for sugarcane at Rs 73 a quintal. The decision to enhance the SMP to Rs 73 from Rs 69.5 a quintal is seen as a definite signal that the government is preparing for early Lok Sabha polls. The move is aimed at addressing a huge constituency of sugarcane growers, who are sulking over the non-payment of their arrears by sugar mill owners , particularly in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. |
Vajpayee personally intervened to clear the proposal, even though initially there was strong resistance from Finance Minister Jaswant Singh and Food Minister Sharad Yadav. At a meeting chaired by Vajpayee and attended by Jaswant Singh, Sharad Yadav and Agriculture Minister Rajnath Singh today at the Prime Minister's Race Course Road residence, Vajpayee appeared to have given a final approval to the proposal. |
Sources in the government admitted that the decision was indicative of poll preparations. |
Though the agriculture ministry had recommended a SMP of Rs 73 a quintal, the Cabinet successively deferred a final decision on the issue. Recently, the Cabinet had authorised Vajpayee to take a final decision. |
In earlier meetings also, Yadav had opposed the proposal of enhancement of the SMP on the plea that it would be difficult for sugar mill owners to sustain financially after such a steep hike in the SMP. |