The addition of new capacity in the wind sector by Tamil Nadu in 2018-19 has been the highest among states in India. As on November 30, 2018, nearly half of the 871.85 Mw additional capacity was added in Tamil Nadu during the current financial year. Besides, bids for setting up of wind power projects of an aggregate 8389.90 Mw capacity were finalised with a major portion of it is coming up in Tamil Nadu, where prices are higher.
Minister of State (I/C) for New and Renewable Energy and Power R K Singh, in a written reply in the Lok Sabha on Thursday, said that during 2018-19 that total wind energy capacity added was 871.85 Mw, of which 427.80 Mw was added in Tamil Nadu.
This was followed by Gujarat with 239.25 Mw, 107.40 Mw in Andhra Pradesh, 27.30 Mw in Telangana.
With the new additional capacity, the cumulative capacity in the country now stands at 35016.85 Mw, compared with 34,145 Mw, in 2017-18.
Karnataka, which was one of the leading states in wind energy, saw a capacity addition of only 63.90 Mw as against 857 Mw last year.
The wind power projects in the country are installed on the basis of commercial viability through a tariff-based competitive bidding process.
As of date, the bids for setting up of wind power projects with 8389.90 Mw capacity have been finalised through Solar Energy Corporation of India Ltd (SECI) and the National Thermal Power Corporation Ltd. (NTPC).
These include 1049.90 Mw at Tirunelveli (Tamil Nadu) and, Bhuj and Bachu (Gujarat). Of this, 425.9 Mw was commissioned and financial closure was achieved for 624 Mw. The power tariff would be Rs 3.46 per unit. Another 1000 Mw at Thoothukudi (Tamil Nadu) and Bhuj and Bachau (Gujarat) are scheduled to be commissioned in May 2019.
As part of SECI Tranche IV, nearly 2000 Mw is scheduled to be commissioned by February 2020 at Tirunelveli and Palakkad in Tamil Nadu and Gujarat. The price fixed is Rs 2.51-2.52.
Under SECI's Tranche V, 1190 Mw will be added at Bhuj (Gujarat) and Hiyur (Karnataka) and will go on stream by July 2020. The power tariff has been fixed at Rs 2.76-2.77 a unit. NTPC will add 1150 Mw during the same period in Andhra Pradesh, Maharastra, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat and Karnataka. The power price has been fixed at Rs 2.77-2.83 a unit.
Besides, bids of 500 Mw each have been finalised by the states of Tamil Nadu, Gujarat and Maharashtra.
The government has set a target of installing 60 Gw of wind power capacity by 2022, against which 35 Gw capacity has already been installed.
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