Speaking in the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly on Wednesday, she said that the All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (AIADMK) government added around 8432.5 Mw in the last five years, by adding 4455.45 Mw through completing the projects and through centre's share while another 3030 MW was brought in through medium and long term agreements. The solar power production was 947 Mw.
"The Load Generation Balance Report of the Central Electricity Authority states that Tamil Nadu is a power surplus state," she said, adding that while in 2010, the per day consumption was 200 million, it has increased to 300 million unit a day now. On April 29, 2016, the consumption has reached a peak demand of 15,343 Mw and a peak usage of 345.61 Mw unit.
The government also put pressure with the central government to build transmission capacity from Maharashtra to the State, which has improved the power supply situation in the State.
Jayalalithaa alleged that while during her previous tenure in 2001-2006, the government has initiated setting up of three facilities to add around 3136 MW capacity, the DMK government which came to power after that did not pursue the projects and purchased power from private players at a higher cost.