The Tamil Nadu government is planning to build an IT and automobile cluster, to create an ecosystem where the software developed in the state could be used in the automobile manufacturing here, said K Pandiarajan, minister for school education, archaeology, youth welfare and sports development.
Inaugurating the Connect 2016, an information and communications technology event organised by the Confederation of Indian Industry, he said that the state has its strength in IT and in automobile sector and combining both will have more potential.
Initially, the IT and auto-component industry could work together, in a virtual cluster, in order to bring value. At present, the software is exported to a foreign country from where it comes back to the manufacturing sites in Chennai for translation into final product. The government is looking at cutting short this process by connecting the IT and automobile manufacturing within the state, he added.
He said that the government is keen on developing more infrastructure for the IT industry and it would look at growing from the current software exports of over Rs 95,000 crore from the state.
The government is planning to convert an existing facility in Pattabiram, Chennai, as an IT park, which could attract IT companies to the state. There is high demand for office space in Chennai, he added.