The Tamil Nadu government on Thursday signed memoranda of understanding (MoUs) worth Rs 5,137 crore, in an effort to create job opportunities for 6,555 people.
The companies that signed MoUs include Adani Enterprises (Rs 2,300 crore), Visteon (Rs 500 crore) and Airflow Equipments (Rs 320 crore), among others.
The other MoUs signed include Princeton Digital Group (Rs 750 crore), BPL-FTA Energies (Rs 500 crore), ATC Tires (Rs 250 crore), Super Auto Forge (Rs 500 crore), Top Anil Marketing (Rs 100).
On July 20, Tamil Nadu had signed agreements worth Rs 10,399 crore to create more than 13,000 jobs in the state. The government also highlighted a deal to set up a data centre in Chennai for Rs 3,000 crore.
The state signed preliminary investment agreements with Vikram Solar investment (Rs 5,423 crore), Elgi Equipments (Rs 250 crore), CGD Sathrai Pvt Ltd (Rs 250 crore), NDR Integrated Industrial Park (Rs 200 crore), and other companies.
Yotta Infrastructure, a subsidiary of the Hiranandani Group, along with Yotta agreed to invest Rs 3,000-4,000 crore in the Chennai data centre project over the next 10 years. The state government will support the project in the form of infrastructural support and regulatory approvals.
The project on a 13-acre campus at the Hiranandani Parks on the Singaperumal-Oragadam highway is expected to generate around 2,000-2,500 direct and indirect jobs.
Last week, Tamil Nadu Cabinet cleared projects worth Rs 2,500 crore. These projects are expected to create nearly 4,000 jobs. The projects include Rs 500 crore from ITC for its proposed expansion of its paper board factory in Coimbatore. Philips Carbon, a carbon black major and Ather Energy, a electric vehicle maker, will invest Rs 600 crore each in different projects, while an auto component maker is planning to invest Rs 900 crore.
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