The consumption of technical textiles, used in the healthcare industry, in India is growing and the industry body Ficci wants the government to provide capital subsidy to the domestic companies to meet the demand.
The Ficci Taskforce on Technical Textile estimates that the total consumption is likely to cross Rs 2,200 crore by 2012-13. The consumption of such textiles stood at around Rs 1,500 crore in 2007-08.
"The issue before us is whether we want to meet this demand through imports or through domestic industry. Currently, we are primarily dependent on imports for the new generation medical textile items," Shishir Jaipuria, taskforce chairman, said.
The taskforce holds that the government should provide upto 25 per cent capital subsidy to the domestic industry instead of five per cent interest subsidy under the technology upgradation funds given to existing textile units.
It suggests that the government should also promote use of disposable bandages and other such specialised medical garments for the safety of patients in the country.
Medical garments are produced using special technics which ensures that it can be reused and doesn't spread infections.