In a temporary relief, passengers flying out of Delhi will not have to pay the Airport Development Fee for a while, following a directive on Wednesday from the high court there. The fee is Rs 200 for each departing domestic passnger and Rs 1,300 for each person going abroad.
A month before, the Supreme Court held airports cannot levy development fees until the relevant rules and rates for collection are finalised. However, Delhi airport was charging the fee as the Airports Economic Regulatory Authority had issued a public notice on April 23, 2010, permitting it to nevertheless do so. While passing the judgement, the apex court said those aggrieved were free to challenge the April 23 notice.
Accordingly, two bodies moved the Delhi HC, challenging it. Disposing the two petitions, the HC said the proper remedy for the petitioners was to approach the AERA Appellate Tribunal, not them. It gave them seven days to so file, said the Appellate Tribunal should decide these in two weeks and till it did so, the April 2010 notice would be stayed.