The Gujarat government has tied up with various reputed institutions across the country to promote the cottage industry in the state. The state government has tied up with the Central Leather Institute, Chennai, Indian Institute of Carpet Technology, Mirzapur and Indian Institute of Handloom Technology, Salem where craftsmen of the state have begun to receive training in newest technologies. |
This is addition to similar tie-ups with the National Institute of Design (NID) and the National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT). State government officials said that a total of 60 clusters have been identified for special assistance. NID and NIFT have already begun projects to help eleven such clusters. |
"With assistance from the central and state governments, we have launched a systematic and sustained programme for the development of cluster industries the state," minister of state for industries Anil Patel said. |
Over 100 cobblers from clusters in various parts of the state have already received specialised training at the Central Leather Institute, Chennai, over the past couple of months, officials said. |
These cobblers are being taught newer techniques of tanning and softening of leather so that better quality leather goods can be produced, state government officials said. |
In addition, over 100 carpet weavers from Valsad and the neighbouring areas in south Gujarat have already completed a training session at the Indian Institute of Carpet Technology, Mirzapur. With specialised training, finishing and clipping of carpets has become possible in Gujarat. |
"Earlier, the carpets were sent to Rajasthan for finishing and clipping, but this is now being done in Valsad and the surrounding areas," said an official of the small industries department. |
Officials said the Indian Institute of Handloom Technology, Salem, has been training as well as supplying special steel looms to craftsmen in Surendranagar and its surrounding areas. |
This is being done through a central government grant. The programme is being sponsored by the Untied National Development Programme, officials said. |
The Ahmedabad-based NID has been given the task of assisting 17 cluster industries in different parts of Gujarat. Of these, work on reviving seven clusters has already begun, with the state government disbursing initial funds for the project. NID is preparing a needs assessment report and developing designs for artisans and craftsmen. |
Officials said Rs 12,000 crore worth of handicrafts were exported from India in the past fiscal. "We want Gujarat to have an increasingly big share in this amount," state government officials said. |